
I don't know what to write about. I haven't been super happy lately. I am getting ready to move back up to Santa Barbara where I will open up my calendar store again this year. It should be lots of fun. I have also been doing my music. Yeah. Bla. It is turning out nicely. I am growing more and more musically after every song I write. I went to amoeba music last night to find Canadian music. They didn't have anything that I was looking for. They suck. I was also looking for a Henry Rollins stand up DVD and they didn't have that either. Oh well. I went to a vegan Chinese restaurant with Michael and Holly. We hung out with Holly at Randy Jackson's office. He's a big star, and judge on American Idol. He wasn't there that day because he was on a plane to S.F. to tape the show, but I hear he is a really nice guy. He seems like he would for some reason. We went in to the recording studio where people like Mariah Carey recorded and I was like a kid in a candy store because of all the cool guitars they had in there. I played a couple.
u need to recolour your tatoo
Really? Why do you think so. I'm guessing you're Canadian by the way you spelled colour! I don't see my tattoo that often, well for obvious reasons. Are you an artist? I want to fill it in with a Japanese ink block style.
Good morrow uncle dear. oh how i miss thee.... wee wee... ci ci... whenst art thou coming henceforth to thine neice's apartment? I pray thee better countinance. >--:D--< did you download that link i sent you? its worth the time ;)
no I'm not canadian, don't like to call myself artist, altough I paint/draw every now and then.
The tatoo is a bit pale (atleast on the photo). What is japanese ink block style?
if it makes a difference
I’m not sure how to describe it. It is the traditional form of painting from Japan. There is a famous ink block illustration of a tsunami wave. It uses sharp outline in great detail showing water droplets and swirls.
ok sounds complicated, not sure i get it!
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