So I have been gearing up for moving to Portland, Oregon. Things seem to be coming together quite well. I seem to have a pretty tight timeline put together for the trip. I will go to L.A. on the right before the ninth to get my braces off, then there is my real-estate course in Sacramento on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of January. Of course the 14th is my birthday, and I plan on doing some snowboarding at Tahoe! Then Kelli will meet up with us in Sacramento and help Kirti close down his store which is scheduled to close on the 16th. After that it looks like it is straight up to Oregon! We will secure a house or apartment this week probably, and Kirti showed me a good link to post my resume for Portland. We are thinking of taking the scenic route to Portland by taking the 101 instead of the I5. Then being fresh out of my real-estate seminar, we will all get to work and get it done, find good deals, and be on our way in the real-estate biz. I will post lots of pictures of the adventure north.
Huge Surf Today At Mesa Lane

I heard the surf was going to be huge today so I went down to have a look. I surf the same spot very frequently, and when I walked up I couldn’t even recognize it. I have never seen the surf as big as it was. In other parts of California it was 20 foot face waves, and I think I was looking at 15 to 18 foot face waves. There is one surfer who went out at this spot and can be identified as the small black speck. The waves have been so big that it has kept the beach hazy from all the mist.